Stay on top of what’s happening with the association, social work activities, and policies around the province.

Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to frequently asked questions pertaining to SWAA and its inception. What is SWAA? What will be the benefits of membership? How do I join? Will there be an AGM? How does SWAA membership impact registration with ACSW?

Inaugural Board of Directors
Twenty social workers (all SWAA members) ran for the 13 board positions and we would like to thank all candidates. It was a very strong group of social workers - each and every one of you are an inspiration - and we thank you for putting your names forward. We hope to work with all of you for years to come.

Member Engagement Coordinator
Kiara is excited to join SWAA as the part-time Member Engagement Coordinator, supporting the SWAA team and SWAA members.

Seeking Board Members
SWAA’s first Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on September 21, 2023. At this AGM, SWAA members will vote for the inaugural board that will take over the work of the current interim board. The inaugural board members will have the exciting opportunity to work with our Executive Director to shape the strategic direction and provide oversight for developing and implementing programs and benefits, and engaging members.

Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to frequently asked questions pertaining to SWAA and its inception. What is SWAA? What will be the benefits of membership? How do I join? Why are we building SWAA? Why is there an interim board? What are they doing? Will there be an AGM? Why did SWAA hire an Executive Director? How does SWAA membership impact registration with ACSW?

March is Social Work Month!
“Every day, social workers support people in navigating complex systems. We are uniquely positioned to identify and address systemic gaps, provide key services and programs, and strengthen communities to what they need, all while applying our skills to build a more just world.” ~CASW

Ready to Collaborate: Meet SWAA’s New Executive Director
The voices of social workers – unified and amplified. That’s what has Harold Pliszka excited about joining the Social Workers Association of Alberta as its first executive director, and in fact, its first employee.

Who is SWAA?
The Social Workers Association of Alberta is the newly formed collective voice of social workers in our province.

We’re Listening!
We’re building SWAA from the ground up, in collaboration with Alberta social workers!