Universal Declaration of Human Rights

December 10, 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This global declaration enshrines the inalienable rights that all people are entitled to - regardless of their place of birth, race, colour, religion, sex, language, and is the “foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world” (United Nations, n.d).

All social work practitioners, regardless of role or field of practice, seek to ensure that human rights are protected and advanced. As social workers we most often assist those experiencing multiple barriers and face daily acts of violence and discrimination for simply being who they are. Social workers have an ethical imperative to challenge these oppressions and to take action to address them. 

Global atrocities demand our attention, as violence anywhere is an affront to all of us. But as Canadians and Albertans we see every day how violence, poverty, racism hurts so many of the people we serve. While we recognize the ever-increasing demands and expectations on social workers, we know that as a collective, we have an abundance of skills, knowledge and passion, which when harnessed, will give us the power to create change. December 10th is an important day for reflection and action, but the protection of human rights must every day underscore our practice, our values, and our lives. 

Join the Social Workers Association of Alberta (SWAA) to find information, learning opportunities, advocacy tools and most of all, to find community. We are working for you. 

Written by Board President, Joan Farkas and Executive Director, Harold Pliszka.


Reflections of the season…


Disaggregation of Alberta Health Services