Invitation for Board Applications.

SWAA calls for director applications for our Board!

SWAA is committed to promoting the profession, advocating together for what matters, and supporting social work in Alberta. Diversity, anti-oppression and member involvement are key foci for SWAA. 

Do you have a passion to be involved in shaping and leading the future direction of the Social Workers Association of Alberta? We invite you to consider running as a candidate for the Board of Directors! 

Who is eligible? A voting member of SWAA who is in good standing. 

Application Requirements 

1.   A resume    

2.   ACSW membership number or your social work education document  

3.  A Statement of Interest (maximum 750 words) describing: 

  • Your interest in the board and preferred position

  • Relevant experience to stated role and what you will bring to the board 

  • Your thoughts regarding SWAA working with ACSW 

  • What Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) means to you and SWAA 

This is an ongoing call out for applications. At various points of the year, if there are vacancies on the board, we will review your applications and connect with you about next steps.

Any questions can be sent to

Positions will be filled as needed throughout the year. As board members terms come due at the AGM in September of each year, there will be a more formal ask for board members at that time.

Relevant Skills and Attributes: 

  • Board/committee, leadership skills and experience, governance experience 

  • A desire to advance social work as a profession in Alberta

  • Ability to bring diverse perspectives 

  • Experience in organizations engaged in social justice 

  • A commitment to working and leading within the principles of social justice, diversity, inclusion, equity, and decolonization. 

  • Collaborative leadership skills 

  • Finance-related skills 

  • Strategic thinking and planning skills 

  • Communication and related technology skills 

  • Experience in risk assessment & management 

  • Good interpersonal skills 

  • Willing to participate in board training opportunities 

  • Willing to accept required time commitment  


Information for Applicants:

Detailed descriptions for board roles and responsibilities are available in pdf here.

Brief descriptions for board roles and responsibilities can be viewed below: 

Committee Descriptions  

SWAA has various committees to delegate and discuss important work of the board and work efficiently. As we aim to gather voices from passionate and engaged members to share their insights for the betterment of our field and society, we invite you to join us in working towards this common goal. 

The following is the list and description of each that are the standing committees of the board: 


Social Work Week: March 17 - 21, 2025


Executive Director Update